Castaeda Gloria Marcela Gonzalez (Mexico City, 1972). Estudila Bachelor of Visual Arts at the National School of Plastic Arts of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (1992-1995). He studies teacher at the Academy of San Carlos, UNAM (2002-2006). An introduction to study artistic School 4, National Institute of Fine Arts (INBA, 198,892). He was an intern in the research project Program Undergraduate Thesis, themed handmade paper and plastic work (UNAM 1999). His work has been selected in the XIV National Meeting of Young Artists Competition and Posada JosGuadalupe National Stamp (1994-95), The Annual Meeting of The Friends of Dard Hunter Association, San Antonio Texas USA, and in the contest La Joven Estampa, Casa de las Americas, Havana, Cuba (2007). He has participated in over twenty national and international exhibitions.